Patni Placement Paper III

Patni Placement Paper Technical(PL/SQL) 2008 @ Chennai

Technical Questions:

1) A package without body is possible.(T/F)

2) Subprograms have equal scope as variables.(T/F)

3) Can a cursor be closed for two times(T/F)

4) Transaction function can be used in trigger(T/F)

5) DDL can be used in trigger(T/F)

6) A trigger name can have the same name as that of its base table name(T/F)

7) In a PL/SQL block a variable and a table name both are same then which will get highest precedence.

8) Is PL/SQL reserved words can be used in SQL
Ans:It can be used with quotation.

9) How to write a single quote in SQL
i)””                    ii)”’                   iii)”

10) Can a labeled go to statement goto the inner loop(T/F)

11)Which are the mandatory parts of PL/SQL procedure.

12)SQL%ISOPEN for implicit cursor is always evaluateto false(T/F)

13)Any variable not declared in the declare part assigns value

14)For cursor %NOTFOUND and for PL/SQL NO_DATA_FOUND(exception)gives the same result.(T/F)

15)If exception occured in the exception then it will
i)raise in the same block
ii)raise in the outer block
iii)not raise in the same block