VIEW | SQL Server Interview Questions

1. What is View? Use? Syntax of View?
A view is a virtual table made up of data from base tables and other views, but not stored separately.
  • Views simplify users perception of the database (can be used to present only the necessary information while hiding details in underlying relations)
  • Views improve data security preventing undesired accesses
  •  Views facilite the provision of additional data independence
2. Does the View occupy memory space?
 There is No occupy memory space in Views

3. Can u drop a table if it has a view?
Views or tables participating in a view created with the SCHEMABINDING clause cannot be dropped. If the view is not created using SCHEMABINDING, then we can drop the table.

4. Why doesn't SQL Server permit an ORDER BY clause in the definition of a view?
SQL Server excludes an ORDER BY clause from a view to comply with the ANSI SQL-92 standard. Because analyzing the rationale for this standard requires a discussion of the underlying structure of the structured query language (SQL) and the mathematics upon which it is based, we can't fully explain the restriction here. However, if you need to be able to specify an ORDER BY clause in a view, consider using the following workaround:
USE pubs
FROM authors
ORDER BY au_lname, au_fname
The TOP construct, which Microsoft introduced in SQL Server 7.0, is most useful when you combine it with the ORDER BY clause. The only time that SQL Server supports an ORDER BY clause in a view is when it is used in conjunction with the TOP keyword. (Note that the TOP keyword is a SQL Server extension to the ANSI SQL-92 standard.)